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February 18, 2013

UFOstart Live Video Chat 02-18

Learn more about the UFOstart Enabler Round by watching our Live Video Chat. Questions were tweeted to #ufostart and included the following:

  1. Why can't I upload xing contacts? Due to their API functionality we currently do not support xing contacts. We will add more APIs in the future and will try to cover the most commonly demanded social networks! 
  2. Why is there no mobile app available? You can view any UFOstart project on your mobile phone using facebook (currently fixing some bugs). We are not planning a separate app at the moment. 
  3. Does the Startup Value have an influence on my chance of getting the job? That depends on the founder, its an estimate of how much initiative you are willing to take for a venture (capital, contacts, assets). Its an indicator - it might be more relevant in the future. 
  4. How can you assure that project information is trustful for investors and experts? The first barrier is convincing 20% of your own network before launching the project to the public. It's one of the reasons why we chose Facebook, people will try to uphold their digital identity and do not want their actions to negatively affect on their FB profile. 

Live Video Chat 02/18/13:


Thank you to everyone who contributed by tweeting questions. Stay tuned for future Hangouts on Air!


  1. I dont know who that handsome devil is who dropped out at the 5 minute mark, but we need more of him!

    1. Yes, we should get him to present our new animation tool on "How to easy explain, difficult thing with an easy animation". How about next week? ;)

    2. Yes, we should get him to present our new animation tool on "How to easy explain, difficult thing with an easy animation". How about next week? ;)

