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June 26, 2013

How To Stay in Touch With the UFO While On Our Mission

Do you want to know more about how to establish a lean startup and how to involve the crowd? Are you interested in the development of entrepreneurship in Europe and the U.S.? Would you like to stay up to date with our product and business development? 

We tweet and post daily industry news. We blog about entrepreneurship advice for lean start ups. We are on air with our Live Community Hangouts, talking about the UFOstart development, on a weekly basis. There are many ways to stay connected and many more to get in touch:

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Want to stay up to date? Then follow, subscribe, like and stay in touch via the above channels!

Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

June 19, 2013

Our Intranet Solution: Combining Cloud-based Collaboration Tools

Source: company websites
In large, monolithic business environments, a software license can become make-or-break in terms of productivity.Just managing such licenses (how many clients they can be installed on, what versions they cover, the serial number, etc.) can actually become someone’s full-time job - not even taking into account the technical components of software management. 

Thankfully a cash-strapped startup these days does not have to take this kind of hit on productivity; almost every business need is served in the market by one or more online tools.

Need group chat and collaboration? Google Hangout. Office productivity suite? Google Apps. Storage? SkyDrive, Google Drive or iCloud. Large file transfers? Box. Code repository? Github. Accounting? Freshbooks. Legal matters? Lawpivot. Logo design? 99design. This is just a small selection of the many online solutions we implemented in our every day working life (Which Online Tools should every start up use? Check out our blog). The possibilites are seemingly endless, but selected tools combined in the right way are enough to get a minimal startup off the ground.
Of course, online applications are subject to outages, security risks, and sometimes vendor lock-in. However, most have scaled very well as they have taken on larger volumes of clients and have gone a long way to maintain availability SLAs that approach 100%.
One other potential problem with online applications is that they are sort of created in a vacuum – they are not inherently designed to play nice with each other or be easy to use in conjunction. While the old business intranet was loaded up with local solutions that IT professionals could customize and patch with scripts and in-house apps, bringing web applications together on an intranet is a fairly untested path.
We went out on the search for an intranet that will consolidate all of our tools and can:
  • Search over all services: cue, google site search, elastic search
  • Bookmarks/site of all services
  • Activity stream of all updates: hipchat, yammer etc.
  • Calendar events, birthdays..
Thanks to the comments we received we identified three powerful cloud services for our start up. Here's a synopsis of their pros and cons:

Meldium: Logging in and out of the various services needed to keep a business flowing with purely online applications can be a challenge. That’s where Meldium comes in:
  • Access management (account sharing without sharing username and password with the team)
  • 500+ world class apps are supported, wide variety
  • Secure via two factor authentication (!)
  • Doesn’t provide member roles 
  • Mobile version not yet available 
  • Doesn’t provide advanced search for members

Busyflow: brings cloud-based productivity apps onto a single screen - for collaboration and synchronization purposes.
  • Invite colleagues to a certain workspace
  • Superior dashboard for all feeds
  • Distinguish between feed (read) and discussion (write)
  • Adding tasks isn't possible as a shared option (!)
  • Doesn't connect Evernote
  • Paid plan for more than 3 members per workspace - 5$ /month

Hojoki: Great collaboration home base with an integration of over 30 apps to manage productivity streams across platforms

  • Invite colleagues to a certain workspace
  • Create / assign tasks
  • Wide range of apps supported via API
  • Tasks only have 2 progress-options (open & done) and cannot be assigned to a group
  • Doesn’t provide a superior feed for all workspaces
  • Paid plan for more than 5 members per workspace - 5$ /month

We are now working with Meldium and Hojoki in our daily collaboration and see the added benefit of this combination to our online workspace! Do you have any further suggestions of online intranet solutions? Do you have questions about our experience with Hojoki or Meldium? We would love to hear from you in our comments below!
Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

June 12, 2013

Facebook Apps and Crowdsourcing. A Natural Fit?

Take a look at our Facebook App: http://ow.ly/lXUDl
Almost anyone who has a Facebook account has seen a post in which someone asks for help remembering the name of a song, asks to borrow a truck, or asks who is interested in buying a couch. Whether these posters realize it or not, they are crowdsourcing, and applying one of the most natural online platforms to do so.
Facebook’s valuation and business model are based on the fact that it draws out a user-generated web of people and their interests. It is essentially an advertisers/marketer’s dream and something that organizations spent years crudely trying to construct using surveys and expensive studies. That brings us to whether or not crowdsourcing via Facebook applications offers an ideal environment for your new product. Overall it is very well suited for this task and has been a definite game-changer, but it is not without its caveats.  
One Billion People
We probably do not need much detail here – it has the largest sustained user base of any account-based company ever. To be fair, the true figure for daily engaged users is around 600 million, but whatever. We can not ignore that there is a staggering number of users on Facebook.
Open Graph
Through Open Graph, Facebook has given developers the ability to leverage the detailed relationships that it has spent years building organically. When launching a product, the level of segmentation can be as broad or detailed as desired and in either case will likely be exactly what a startup is seeking.  
Successful Monetizing Model
Many Facebook applications have been lucrative and have demonstrated that people have a willingness to part with dollars while on the network. For a platform that combines crowdsourcing with crowdinvesting, this makes it ideal for raising capital. Though crowdinvesting obviously involves less impulse decision than crowdfunding in that it represents a true financial risk, crowdinvesting is meant to involve less deliberation than traditional investing. Any organization that raises funds online is faced with the challenge of presenting donation options when donors are most likely to give. This principle applies to Facebook monetization as well and its users have never shown themselves to be stingy.
Facebook is a Moving Platform
Any developer on Facebook must deal with the fact that platform does not belong to them – Facebook calls the shots and if it decides to change a major feature, the developer must adjust to it. While this might cause momentary disruptions on the application, developers can use Facebooks support network to quickly adapt changes and get things up and running again.
Access to High-Profile Contacts
While Facebook is the leading social network by far, if you traced through certain interpersonal networks for the average user you may find a certain social uniformity. It will include many potential users, but may not allow access to high professionals from other industries than startup tech. 
However: Through APIs of other networks, such as LinkedIn, this social uniformity can be dispersed and access to mentors and potential backers can be offered. In the case of UFOstart, such contacts can be invited without imparting personal information. By offering contributors the option of anonymity users can leverage both: the crowd of friends and family on Facebook and high-potential, selected supporters from other networks. 
If you want to find out more about how to crowdsource your business needs via a unique Facebook application named UFOstart, contact us.  What do you think are other benefits or drawbacks of building your product as a Facebook application? 
Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

June 9, 2013

UFOstart Live Community Hangout 06-10-13

It's time for another Hangout on Air! Watch our Live Community Hangout for an update on UFOstart's development. The general agenda:

1) update: Business Development:

- Corporate Product
- Marketing and Sales update
- Legal update

2) update: Product Development
- Tech - stories of the past week/updates
- Onboarding

3) Community


If you have questions about UFOstart, please refer to our help page or just tweet your questions to #ufostart at any time.

The live stream will be available here at the time of the event & afterwards - see you online!

Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

June 5, 2013

Gaming + Economic Development. What's the link?

It is not surprising that the world spends a collective 3 billion hours per week playing video games. While some would complain that video games are leading to the downfall of society – violent behavior, social disconnection, rotting the brains of people who could be studying, etc. – there is one development team who has set out to use the power of games to build society both virtually and literally. 

The software platform Seeds has goals very similar to the popular microlending organization Kiva –funding entrepreneurs in developing nations which are provided by user donations. While such platforms usually depend on recurring memberships and the type of media outreach associated with traditional non-profits, Seeds went a completely different route: it recognized how much time and money goes into online, social gaming and realized it can leverage these principles to raise funds. Compared to other sites with similar objectives, Seeds chose micro loans as the most sustainable way of donating to the developing world. After successfully closing their round on Fundable, they are now building their product:

The Seeds game world is designed to reflect the real-world mission of the platform. It features players helping to build a virtual collapsed civilization. The players engage in activities such as building citadels (think somewhere between SimCity and FarmVille, but with a cause). The Seeds strategy is to “monetize impatience” by inviting the users to use virtual currency (converted from real money) to make the tasks in the game world easier; a model of paying for upgrades. 

While this may come off to some as being a little eccentric and maybe even silly, what gives it legitimacy is that the sale of online goods is an enormous business. Seeds aims to build an API for other, more established games and to add an altruistic value to the purchase of virtual goods. Downloadable content and the sale of virtual goods are lucrative cash-cows in the video game world and may actually be on their way to replacing the traditional business model of single-copy sales. 

At the other end, connected to this game world, are receivers of micro loans that are typically located in developing nations. The recipients have the ability to petition the users for micro loans, and on top of that receive funds from the sale of the virtual goods and extras in the game world.

The lesson here for startups is that it is possible to apply one lucrative model in one realm and apply its revenue-generating principles in another, even if one is held as frivolous and the other as serious.

Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

June 2, 2013

UFOstart Live Community Hangout 06-03-13

It's time for another Hangout on Air! Watch our Live Community Hangout for an update on UFOstart's development! The general agenda:

1) update: Business Development:

Introduction of Simone Kiri (Event Manager UFOstart)
- Corporate Product
- Legal update

2) update: Product Development
- Tech - stories of the past week/updates
- Onboarding

3) Community

- Look Mommy (one of our ten seed staged start ups) will join
- Q+A

If you have questions about UFOstart, please refer to our help page or just tweet your questions to #ufostart at any time.

The live stream will be available here at the time of the event & afterwards - see you online!

Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!