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May 29, 2013

4 Myths About Entrepreneurs - Do You Fit the Stereotype?

1. You have to know the industry space inside and out to be an entrepreneur in that space This is not true, being an entrepreneur actually means you can see a problem or issue that people are willing to pay for. It is seeing potential in places others have overlooked and it is about value creation. It is that simple, you do not have to super tech-savvy, or super connected, or be this super smart person to be an entrepreneur.
You do have to be creative, have very clear communication skills, and be very persistent in your vision. Sometimes being new to an industry allows you to see a solution to what was believed to be an impossible problem because your background gives you a different perspective on that issue.
2. You have to be rich or super connected to do a start-up: Maybe 20 years ago, but in this day and age anyone can start a business and be very successful. Chris Guillebeau’s book is a wonderful compilation of interesting and successful start-ups all with just $100 (it is titled the $100 startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future). That doesn’t sound like a lot now does it?
He wrote his book based on 1,500 people who started with $100 or less and were able to make successful and profitble businesses. One of his favorite stories is how an Indian man named Prina started his company by making people get the most use out of excel. That is it; a manual on using excel and he made 6 figures a year from it.
3. Entrepreneurs make a lot of money Maybe, hopefully, if you stumble upon that magic formula of finding a great idea, a great need, and a williness to pay. A lot of people underestimate how hard it is to make a business successful and how many adjustments or changes entrepreneurs might make before they hit that jackpot.
This is why a lot of people are hesitant about becoming entrepreneurs because it is risky and many will fail if their ideas are not as good as they hoped. That is not saying there are not a lot of very successful, fulfilled, and amazing entrepreneurs out there (read the above book for inspiration). Just be realistic that being an entrepreneur is a lot of work and a good idea is just the starting point, making it a reality is really the test. It also takes a lot of realistic optimism.
What do I mean by that? I mean you have to understand and talk to the market enough to see where the opportunity is and then you have to be persistent and flexible enough to fill that need. Not everyone is cut out for entrepreneurship and they can be too naïve about what they know and what they expect to happen. Do your research! That is why getting a mentor and doing a lot of research up front is so invaluable to anyone going down this road.
4. You have to revolutionize to be an entrepreneur. Actually a lot of people test products, ideas, platforms even before the product is completed. Sometimes people even fill orders first than build the product second. The most important advice is just get started; get out there, test the market, talk to people and see how your skills can serve the market.
Success will come with transparency, curiosity, a lot of hard work, experimenting and the desire to help people. All good business is value creation and getting in your potential customer’s head. A lot of entrepreneurs became successful after their second or third or even tenth attempt of marketing a new idea and learning each timeBecause sometimes you just have to get something going and out there to see if you really were reading the market well. One of my favorite quotes is knowledge + preparedness+ luck + support = success. 
Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter

May 26, 2013

UFOstart Live Community Hangout 05-27-13

It's time for another Hangout on Air! Watch our Live Community Hangout for an update on UFOstart's development! The general agenda:

1) update: Business Development
- Sales
- Marketing

- Legal
2) update: Product Development
- Tech
- Onboarding
3) Q+A from community

If you have questions about UFOstart, please refer to our help page or just tweet your questions to #ufostart at any time.

The live stream will be available here at the time of the event & afterwards - see you online!

Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

May 22, 2013

Love Money - a Blessing or a Curse?

Tired old adages warn us of the dangers of mixing business with pleasure and money with friends and family...but when it comes to leveraging the power of the crowd to get an innovative idea off the ground, we disagree! In fact, we encourage our entrepreneurs to recruit those closest to them as backers. 

Why is it important to have friends and family as backers? In a nutshell, when you believe in your mission, those who believe in you can make you an even more attractive for corporate lenders. This attraction happens in at least three big ways:

An endorsement from those who know you best is a powerful indicator of your potential. A friend or family member has insider knowledge into you as a person--your work ethic, your track record, your fortitude, your sensibilities, etc. These personal characteristics are vital elements in the success of a project. These are also things that a corporate lender cannot know. An investment from friends and family says, "I know this person. I believe in them, and so should you."
There is more on the line for an entrepreneur entrusted with the money of family and friends. When someone from an inner circle signs on as a backer, the assumption is that there is more to lose than just money: Relationship. When a potential corporate investor sees personal lenders in a crowd of backers, they understand the consequences of failure are greater for you. They trust you are motivated to work even harder, if for no other reason than to maintain positive relationships with loved ones (and possibly to save face at the family picnic).
Backing from family and friends ensures accountability. A distinct advantage of lending to a startup backed by personal investors is increased accountability. A corporate lender cannot follow you around, peppering you with, "Hey, how's it going?" questions. But a friend can. A family member can. You see them at parties, reunions, the grocery store, and holiday celebrations. A corporate lender may feel their investment is a little safer, knowing someone is there to keep you on your toes.
When it comes to leveraging the power of the crowd, tired old adages about mixing business and pleasure and money with family and friends are exactly that: tired and old. If you have the drive and energy behind an innovative idea, seeking backing from friends and family can attract additional investments from corporate lenders. Those in your inner circle know you best; they add fire to your motivation; and they ensure accountability.
Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

May 15, 2013

DOZ round now on UFOstart

UFOstart is pleased to announce a new round by DOZ on the platform! This round is aimed at Business Development and builds on the current traction through DOZ' public launch last week.

DOZ is a performance based marketing agency, which is 100% crowdsourced. The DOZ system first analyzes a website to know exactly what type of marketing actions are required. Then DOZ proprietary algorithms will curate and qualify the best marketing professionals for this particular website marketing campaign. The matching system is based on expertise, industry and location. DOZ then organizes the workflow of the campaign, with a task by task approach, securing the quality and the confidentiality. 

DOZ aims to become the biggest marketing agency in the world thanks to crowdsourcing principles. To date, it counts over 3,500 curated marketing experts in 20 different countries.  In the past year, DOZ has generated over $600K in revenues. DOZ was in private beta since March 6, when the team presented it in the US at Launch Festival in San Francisco. 

DOZ is now available to the public and you can get $100 discount on your first DOZ campaign, with the code: UFOSTART. Anji ISMAIL, co-founder of DOZ, explains why the team is launching their third round on the UFOstart platform: 
"The first two rounds have helped us to organize our big milestones, find talents, advisors and angel investors. We want this round on UFOstart to be the one of the Business Development. We will be investing in direct marketing and referral programs for clients acquisition purpose. We are looking for motivated people who want to commit in a performance based model, and help us get our next 100 paid campaigns". 
We're happy to have another DOZ round on the platform and are looking forward to a successful close! 

Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

Mentors Matter - But Why?

One of the few certainties of being a startup founder is that there will always be someone who has tread a similar ground and has been successful. There may also be someone who had to tread that same ground several times before finding success. Such person should be your go-to as a model of perseverance. No matter how great your business plan is or how much anticipation you are able to generate for your startup, there is tremendous value to seeking mentorship

Dr. Jeffrey Cornwall, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at Belmont University, gives some extremely strong advice about mentorship as the cornerstone of success as an entrepreneur. Here are some of the approaches to mentorship that he elucidates that may not be commonly thought of:

A Mentor Does Not Have to Be From Your IndustryCornwall notes that as a mentor, he has been out of formal industry for sixteen years, meaning that he is certainly out of touch with the ins and outs of industries such as the web. What he can offer instead is just as valuable as industry-specific advice: financing, partnerships, ethics, and all of the timeless challenges that entrepreneurs of all stripes must face.

It Pays to Have More than One MentorWhile Cornwall notes that he is a “process mentor,” one whose value comes from instilling the intangibles in his mentees, it is ideal for a new entrepreneur to seek a “content mentor” (an industry expert) as well.  There is no hiding from that fact that it pays to have an additional mentor who is a veteran and hopefully visionary of your industry. There are generally too many issues to navigate in any market to start out without industry-specific guidance. 

Mentorship is a Two-Way StreetBoth the mentor and the mentee gain from the relationship, as the mentor often sees the mentee going over the same ground and feels a sense of empathy. Furthermore, given that this relationship is a business relationship as much as a personal one, the mentor has an implicit financial stake in the mentee, and vice-versa.

UFOstart values the roles of mentors greatly. Every start up adds a mentor to his round, who will advise them on round set up and the concept behind UFOstart. Also, it will be their task to review and approve the round before it is launched. This not only gives start ups the security of mentorship but also provides the mentors with a share of the UFOstart business model. 

Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

May 12, 2013

UFOstart Live Community Hangout 05-13-13

It's time for another Hangout on Air! Watch our Live Community Hangout tonight for an update on UFOstart's development, as well as an introduction of one of our seed-stage start ups!

The agenda:

  • Update Business Development
  • Guest: Anji Ismail
    • Pitch of "DOZ" round
    • Round objective & most urgent need
  • Update Product Development
  • Q+A

If you have questions about UFOstart, please refer to our help page or just tweet your questions to #ufostart at any time.

The livestream will be available here at the time of the event & afterwards - see you online!


Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

May 8, 2013

Which Online Tools Should Every Start Up Use?

You, as a start-up, have probably thought a lot about how to optimize online collaboration across you team and processes. About two years ago, we asked ourselves the same question: Which online business tools should every start up use? 

Since then, we have come up with a long list of helpful services (see list below). We realized how complex our web of online tools has gotten: it takes a countless number of log-ins and open tabs before even starting to work. 

Especially when on-boarding new employees, we noticed that it was time for an intranet solution. Previously, all intranet solutions were provided internally. Now, most functions are provided externally and only sourced into the intranet. We are looking for an intranet that will consolidate all of our tools - and therefore help us with our process management. It should:
  • Search over all services: cue, google site search, elastic search
  • Bookmarks/site of all services and for what: google sites?
  • Activity stream of all updates: hipchat, yammer etc. (via zapier)
  • Calendar events, birthdays...
Are YOU currently using an intranet solution that you would recommend?

Here's the list of online tools we are using to make (work)-life easier. This might assist you if you are facing the same question as we were: Which online business tools should every start up use?  

Team Communication
Google Hangout - video conferencing
Hipchat - group chat and team collaboration

Team Organization
Google apps docs, calendar, gmail...
box cloud storage
google drive cloud storage/docs
Getflow - task management

Project + Product Management

Basecamp project management
smartsheet - project management
Rackspace cloud computing

New Relic Performance Management & Monitoring

github Online project hosting

pivotaltracker Agile Project Management Software
Airbrake error tracking
If This Then That  - process automation
notableapp - mockup annotations 
Business Model Canvas  - strategic product planning
unbounce Landingpage and A/B Test

HR + Legal

oDesk Freelancer
Freshbooks - cloud accounting
elance Freelancer
lawpivot - legal crowdsourcing platform


blogger.com google blogging site

HootSuite Social Media Management
Sendgrid Email Delivery
Blogmutt Crowd Sourced Blog Content 
Balsamiq Mockups

Wufoo online forms

Mailchimp Newsletter

Nimble social CRM

paper.li daily news aggregation
Twitter social media content stream

audiodraft audio crowdsourcing

Facebook app our UFOstart platform

99design logo design

designcrowd broshures


GetSatisfaction help forum, crowdsource customer service
zazzle merchandising store
Google Analytics site traffic analysis
zapier Syncing Data via API`s

We believe: at the end of the day every start up will run as a mash-up of outsourcing & crowdsourcing services. These will be used and drawn together with an individual brand and focus. 
We would recommend using the tools listed above and would love to hear which ones we could add! 

What online tool is missing on our list? Do you have a suggestion for an intranet solution? Please let us know in the comments!


Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

May 6, 2013

UFOstart Live Community Hangout 05-06-13

It's time for another Hangout on Air! Watch our Live Community Hangout tonight for an update on UFOstart's development, as well as an introduction of one of our seed-stage start ups!

The agenda:
  • Update Business Development
  • Guest: Bosko Todorovic
    • Pitch of "Vintage Kids"
    • Round objective / most urgent need
  • Update Onboarding
  • Q+A
    • How will start ups find mentors in the future? 
    • Announcement of online business tool blog

If you have questions about UFOstart, please refer to our help page or just tweet your questions to #ufostart at any time.

The livestream will be available here at the time of the event & afterwards - see you online!


Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

May 1, 2013

M.V.P. - Minimum Viable Product or a Mediocre Value Proposition?

Another great article can be found here
It makes sense that everything about a lean startup is trimmed down as much as possible – including the product itself. This is not just a pure result of limited time, scarce resources, and the pressures of the rapidly changing market. The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is an important, central strategy. It is a not only the best option for smaller startups that by their nature need to scale up from a simple core, it is also a time-tested path to success. 

Markets, being unpredictable as they are, are not guaranteed to embrace a new product no matter how much polish, effort, planning, and research go into it. This being the case, it is best to play the odds, get a product out the door that meets the right functional standards for wider adoption, and fine-tune later if it happens to gain a foothold. The MVP is also considered to be the beginning of the “learning period” for the business; it adapts to the needs of sustaining itself on the market rather than trying to ensure it through an overbuilt planning phase. 

The online file sharing service Dropbox has been seen as one of the prime examples of a startup that took off by applying this principle. What is interesting is that in this case the MVP was not the service itself, but rather a video demonstration that not only showed the usefulness of the finished product but was also filled with in-jokes and references that made the content meaningful to the community of adopters that it targeted. The result was 10,000 “Diggs” in a 24 hour period, and an additional 70,000 people on the beta waiting list.

Of course, the MVP is by its nature meant to mitigate risk, which means it is no guarantee of success. In fact, this recent article from the Harvard Business Review argues that some careful precautions should be taken to ensure that it does not become a Mediocre Value Proposition instead, citing the recently defunct service Maghound as an example. The simple premise of applying the “Netflix” delivery model for magazine viewing did not pan out for the company, a fate that could have been avoided with the proper personnel, a more-fleshed out idea of the business model, and stronger adjustment to underperformance.
UFOstart is also taking the MVP approach and is improving its product according to the feedback from the community. If you want to contribute to the platform development, you can vote on features you would like to see added. Let us know if you have any feedback, we would love to hear from you!
