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April 26, 2013

UFOstart Start Up Teach In (4) 04-29-13

Your round is set-up and you're ready to launch?
This last part of our four week on-boarding sessions will focus on how to involve your team and your community in your round. We will discuss:

  • The different roles: Founders and Advisors
  • What's the step by step process to get your project live? 
  • How do you spread the word? Sharing your project + creating noise
  • Q+A

If you have questions about the set up process (or our product in general), please refer to our help page or just tweet your questions to #ufostart at any time.

The livestream will be available here at the time of the event & afterwards - see you online!


Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

April 24, 2013

The Indie Startup: How Transparent Should You Be?

Bruce Nussbaum, author of the book Creative Intelligence, has put forward the idea that we are seeing new entrepreneurship often take the form of “indie capitalism.” In this new world of enterprise innovation, large organizations, top-down hierarchies, rigid structures, and monotonous processes gives way to lean teams, free collaboration, and rapid creative cycles.

Nussbaum describes this trend as having analogues in the DIY ethic of the traditional “indie music” scene.  While that may seem to some like a stretch, it is important to note how much both depend upon local networking and building a natural community of fans through offering a creative spin to something that pleases people’s tastes.

Moreover, it is not just the structure of business that is looser and less defined; the business ecosystem has transformed as well. Thanks to crowd funding and other sources of web-enabled collaboration, the lines are being blurred between creators, investors, audience, and collaborators. Both, in traditional business and in the traditional music industry, a highly-controlled vetting process, typically performed behind closed doors and aided by elaborate market research, determined the final product offered to the consumer. With “indie capitalism,” not only does the audience also partake as a source of funding, this shift has lead to idea of replacing the word “consumer” with “prosumer.”

For these reasons, a lean startup - especially one that is engaging in crowd sourcing- benefits from transparency and interaction with the community. Its a great tactic for crowdsourcing ideas, receiving feedback and building a strong customer relationship. This transparency includes frequent updates on product or business development - made possible through services such as Hangouts on Air or just blogging about product updates. UFOstart, for example, is using the weekly "Live Community Hangout" to discuss current company topics and developments. Also, the Community Voting Feature transparently shows our product development - everyone and anyone can vote or suggest new features for the UFOstart platform. 
To take company transparency to the next level, we will be publishing a series of blog posts about the internal company tools we are using. This can be a helpful overview of crowdsourcing services for any young start up and will hopefully expand our list of services through recommendations! Stay tuned for the upcoming blogs about that. 


If you are interested in learning more about crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, contact UFOStart for more information. UFOstart revolves around leveraging the power of the Internet to generate, filter, and escalate innovative ideas. In addition, we want to encourage the notion of project based work resulting in equity in a company for the worker.

April 22, 2013

UFOstart Start Up Teach In (3) 04-22-13

How do you define and structure needs on a #ufostart round?

This big part of the #ufostart round set-up will be covered in our Hangout today. Watch it live here at 9am PST/ 6pm CET to find out more about:

If you have questions about the set-up process (or our product in general), please refer to our help page or just tweet your questions to #ufostart at any time.

The livestream will be available here at the time of the event & afterwards - see you online!

April 17, 2013

Are We Living in a Project Based Job World?

Although the jobless numbers remain stubbornly high, project-based work is not yet considered by many. This sector of the job market is changing the way companies are employing and has to potential to growing by leaps and boundsNew crowd-sourcing models such as UFOstart are taking the model even further through innovative work-for-equity models. 

We all know what crowdsourcing is - soliciting contributions from a large group of people. The so-called "power of the crowd" can be greatly used to get jobs done in an efficient way. If a company has a number of short-term tasks, they can tap into a vast pool of freelancers and choose the most qualified and well-suited expert. With several projects running in parallel, the freelancers can focus on their specific tasks and defined KPIs. While this not only turns a job description into an action list, it also decreases the chance of a sub-project falling off the end of a to-do list.
Although there are certain downsides for the short-term employees (lack of health or pension benefits, f.ex.), many value the added flexibility and independence from an employer. It is a great way for people in between jobs to keep being productive and allows others to explore working across different industries or project types. Freelancing is a great way to broaden your expertise and experience different jobs while choosing the ones that fit your interest and schedule. Overall, it helps to keep the job market dynamic and moving, while ensuring a good match up of skills to project needs. 
Also, crowdsourcing jobs is an ideal way for a business to reduce the fix cost of long term employees. If you are still in seed stage, with financial uncertainties ahead, you most likely aren't able to make long-term promises to your employees. While the core team of Co-Founders and key managers should not come and go, smaller tasks and projects can be ideally crowdsourced. In order to be lean and to get things done in the most efficient and simultaneous way, start ups should start living in a project based world and see who is willing to contribute to their success story.  
To conclude: We are not yet living in a project based job world but we definitely should be. Conventional news outlets have not been very vocal about the potential of online job marketplaces outside of the bigger names like Career Builder and Monster. However, as small business owners begin to be aware of the potential of using freelancers versus hiring long-term employees, it is likely the economy will spur the growth of the project based job world. This may become more common as people start valuing the flexibility and dynamics of freelancing and short-term jobs. 

Join UFOstarts Hangout on Air this coming Monday (04-22-13) to see how startups can launch their idea by crowdsourcing their job, asset, funding and customer needs! 

If you are interested in learning more about crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, contact UFOStart for more information. UFOstart revolves around leveraging the power of the Internet to generate, filter, and escalate innovative ideas. In addition, we want to encourage the notion of project based work resulting in equity in a company for the worker.

April 15, 2013

UFOstart Start Up Teach In (2) 04-15-13

Our objective for this week's hangout is to help start ups with their round setup. This is part of our four week onboarding process. Last week we covered the project setup, this week's hangout will feature:

 If you have questions about the set up process (or our product in general), please refer to our help page or just tweet your questions to #ufostart at any time.

The livestream will be available here at the time of the event & afterwards - see you online!

April 10, 2013

Crowdinvesting - The Fuel Entrepreneurship Needs

A perfect storm is developing in entrepreneurial finance: crowdinvesting. It is about time for a disruptive innovation in the Finance sector - and the unique convergence of factors in the U.S. economy will quickly propel the concept forward:

Pent-up Business Demand For Equity Funding

It is estimated that traditional "angel investing" only meets about 10 percent of the demand for individual investment in private businesses. The price of entry into this elite club has simply been too steep for many, in terms of both money and time required. Plus, it is a community of individuals who engage primarily in closed-door deals, and with those that are already part of the "network." Imagine a $50 billion market that is only ten percent funded. Few sectors of the economy offer this kind of opportunity. 

Pent-up Investor Demand 

Treasury bills yielding less that one percent, commercial real estate slumping, and other deleterious effects of the Fed's "quantitative easing" have left numerous investors searching for better yields. Investing in start-ups is hardly a secure investment like treasury bills. It is typically a high-risk venture. Most angel investments are a minimum of $25,000. An investor wanting to diversify in this higher-risk form of investing would have to invest $250,000 just to diversify across ten deals. 

Crowdinvesting Responds

So, along comes crowdinvesting, where minimum investments may be as little as $1000. Furthermore, crowdinvesting sites typically only promote a small percentage of the companies that approach them. These enterprises act as a sort of a filter that allows an individual investor to focus on the few that remain. Angel investors and their analysts review the flow of deals on a full-time basis. Most smaller investors have neither the time nor the inclination to put forth that degree of effort. 

As mechanisms for crowdinvesting proliferate, capital will potentially flow to innovators and entrepreneurs. Dollars will be-redirected. Jobs will be created and innovation fueled. The journey from idea to its fruition in the marketplace will be quicker and more efficient than ever before. Such is the promise of crowdinvesting. Should it achieve only a modicum of its potential, it will inject disruptive innovation into the financial sector that should inspire a revolution of sorts.  

Crowdinvesting is an exciting possibility for established and aspiring investors and entrepreneurs alike. UFOstart brings together Start ups, Investors and Experts to create an ideal marketplace to launch an idea. Crowdsourcing, with a focus on crowdinvesting, is a major element of this unique platform. For more on how crowdinvesting might be benefical for you and how we can help you get started, please contact us.

April 8, 2013

UFOstart Start Up Teach In (1) 04-08-13

Our objective - after closing our Enabler Round last week - is to bring the respective start ups on board and help them launch their rounds! We have structured the onboarding process in a 4 week process - starting with project setup.

This Hangout on Air will feature a brief teach-in of the project set-up. The Agenda will also include: 

  • How to get started with our links
  • 10k offer explained
  • Walk through of project setup + intro to demo project
  • Help Page + Q&A

If you have questions about the set up process (or our product in general), please refer to our help page or just tweet your questions to #ufostart at any time.

The livestream will be available here at the time of the event & afterwards - see you online!

April 3, 2013

Ouya - the underdog gaming console.

Ouya. Ever heard of it? Crowdfunding has helped to finance this new $99 Android-based gaming device - an underdog in the high-cost gaming console industry. "Ouya" sped into production thanks to the 63,416 backers that invested $8 million through Kickstarter. The very first units are now being shipped to those that supported the project in its infancy.

The gaming industry has recently been dominated by more expensive consoles like XBox and PlayStation and relatively high-priced games. Now, Ouya may become a truly disruptive innovation. It is a low-cost gaming console that demonstrates what a lean-startup can look like. Ouya has borrowed a concept used to found Dell Computer long ago. The company uses "off-the-shelf" parts and components, thereby cutting manufacturing costs. In fact, the device is in the form of a small cube that can be opened up and upgraded as time goes on.

The platform is attracting many indie game developers who felt that they were shut out of the worlds of PlayStation and XBox. The prices of games to be played on Ouya are expected to be much lower than those offered for the major platforms. If independent developers can truly supply this niche with exciting and innovative games that essentially go viral, success may be assured.

It is still to be determined, however, whether Ouya will come to occupy a lucrative niche between mobile gaming and large console gaming. Competition from gaming apps on smartphones and tablets that are often free will still be significant. However, this new platform may offer an attractive alternative to game developers that grow weary of giving away apps for free and then struggling to monetize them through in-game and other upgrades.

Ouya is perhaps illustrative of an emerging paradigm in new product development and sales. That is, take an innovative idea, locate necessary parts and components around the globe, and accelerate the move into the marketplace via crowdfunding. 

That is exactly the paradigm UFOstart, an international, a social network based marketplace for the creation of successful startups, is supporting. The lean startup approach is encouraged through short funding rounds that allow for product iteration. Innovative ideas can be turned into products through the unique network of experts, investors and start ups. The social media integration will bring together your friends, family and fans and will get your idea off the ground. If you have a great idea and are ready to launch your lean startup, contact us. We can help you get the funding and support you need!

Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

April 1, 2013

UFOstart Live Community Hangout 04-01-13

Welcome to our weekly Live Community Hangout! Our UFOstart Enabler Round is coming to an end and we will close it off with this Hangout on Air. Join live at 9am PST / 6pm CET for the following agenda: 

  • Closing of our Enabler Round (review and outlook)
  • Introduction of our new Co-Founder of Online Marketing + Sales
  • News on our landing pages for different customer segments
  • Q+A

Ask your questions via twitter (use #ufostart) or by posting in our community forum at any time. This blog will feature a live stream, which will also be available as a youtube video afterwards.  See you online!

Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!