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November 6, 2012

Mentors with 'time and inclination'

 Many would-be startups don’t get too far beyond their ideas simply because they lack the tools to make it happen.
Now that can run the gamut from not having the right technology at hand, to not knowing the right people help you formulate a business plan; that’s why it’s important for entrepreneurs to align themselves with a Mentor, according to a Rieva Lesonsky’s post “Why Every Startup Founder Needs a Mentor - And How to Find One.” (http://www.readwriteweb.com/start/2012/05/why-every-startup-founder-needs-a-mentor-and-how-to-find-one.php)

 Often times, we’re asking the wrong people---family or friends--- for their opinion, forgetting that whatever advice they offer comes with a bit of bias that can cloud your overall vision for the company. Maybe it’s experience, or good intuition, but in time of need we turn to individuals that have gone through similar situations and who can bring a lot of wisdom to any company founder. You simply do not have enough time and ressources to make all the mistakes you need to make - mistakes your mentor might have experienced and learned from. 

With the popularity of the crowdsourcing concept, finding an expert to help you with advice has become easier than ever. The Small Business Administration’s non-profit, SCORE, for example, manages thousands (13,000) of retired business professions who work in a mentoring capacity that a startup founder can tap into. UFOstart is building a community of experts in order to connect them with startups. We believe in the importance of mentors: They don't only help you reduce mistakes, they help you eliminate your weaknesses to bring out your strenghts.  

Getting that different viewpoint comes from asking all the right questions to the right people. Sounds like an obvious one, for sure, but it’s crucial. Largen your network, get a sense of whose expertise your startup could truly benefit from and communicate your needs. 
It comes down to hooking up with mentors who not only have the time to help, but also the inclination to do so.

Contact us if you're looking for mentorship and want to learn about the benefits of crowdsourcing ideas and advice.


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