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May 8, 2013

Which Online Tools Should Every Start Up Use?

You, as a start-up, have probably thought a lot about how to optimize online collaboration across you team and processes. About two years ago, we asked ourselves the same question: Which online business tools should every start up use? 

Since then, we have come up with a long list of helpful services (see list below). We realized how complex our web of online tools has gotten: it takes a countless number of log-ins and open tabs before even starting to work. 

Especially when on-boarding new employees, we noticed that it was time for an intranet solution. Previously, all intranet solutions were provided internally. Now, most functions are provided externally and only sourced into the intranet. We are looking for an intranet that will consolidate all of our tools - and therefore help us with our process management. It should:
  • Search over all services: cue, google site search, elastic search
  • Bookmarks/site of all services and for what: google sites?
  • Activity stream of all updates: hipchat, yammer etc. (via zapier)
  • Calendar events, birthdays...
Are YOU currently using an intranet solution that you would recommend?

Here's the list of online tools we are using to make (work)-life easier. This might assist you if you are facing the same question as we were: Which online business tools should every start up use?  

Team Communication
Google Hangout - video conferencing
Hipchat - group chat and team collaboration

Team Organization
Google apps docs, calendar, gmail...
box cloud storage
google drive cloud storage/docs
Getflow - task management

Project + Product Management

Basecamp project management
smartsheet - project management
Rackspace cloud computing

New Relic Performance Management & Monitoring

github Online project hosting

pivotaltracker Agile Project Management Software
Airbrake error tracking
If This Then That  - process automation
notableapp - mockup annotations 
Business Model Canvas  - strategic product planning
unbounce Landingpage and A/B Test

HR + Legal

oDesk Freelancer
Freshbooks - cloud accounting
elance Freelancer
lawpivot - legal crowdsourcing platform


blogger.com google blogging site

HootSuite Social Media Management
Sendgrid Email Delivery
Blogmutt Crowd Sourced Blog Content 
Balsamiq Mockups

Wufoo online forms

Mailchimp Newsletter

Nimble social CRM

paper.li daily news aggregation
Twitter social media content stream

audiodraft audio crowdsourcing

Facebook app our UFOstart platform

99design logo design

designcrowd broshures


GetSatisfaction help forum, crowdsource customer service
zazzle merchandising store
Google Analytics site traffic analysis
zapier Syncing Data via API`s

We believe: at the end of the day every start up will run as a mash-up of outsourcing & crowdsourcing services. These will be used and drawn together with an individual brand and focus. 
We would recommend using the tools listed above and would love to hear which ones we could add! 

What online tool is missing on our list? Do you have a suggestion for an intranet solution? Please let us know in the comments!


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  1. Great list, thanks. I'm currently looking for some online tools to implement and will take a look at those!

    How about trello or asana?

    1. Trello is great, but i like conceptboard too

  2. We have different offices in Germany and Swizerland and are using a lot of these tools for efficient work too. I also love to work with liveshare (personally communication to bring people together) and einfachlohn (HR without any bureaucratic stuff).

    We are looking for intranet solutions too. But I don't have an opinion about yet. I could imagine to use one of these:

    * mindtouch
    * PBwiki
    * Plone
    * glascubes
    * Brushtail
    * Twiki
    * HyperGate
    * Open Atrium

    What do you think about?

  3. It's nice to see Pivotal Tracker instead of Jira. Pivotal's UI is much easier on the eyes and more user friendly.

  4. Hojoki, busyflow, jolicloud, cloudmagic - which is the best?

    cloudmagic is great for full text search!

  5. Hello everyone,

    thank you for your input! We'll start using a combination of tools and will let you know about our experience.

  6. Thanks for sharing this informative post. Project Management Software is very helpful for the company to store important work information in an effectual way to achieve their objectives. post more article and i will follow them to know more information.

  7. Just found another great service which allows to login into all of this services with group managed passwords: https://www.meldium.com/integrations

  8. " Which Online Tools Should Every Start Up Use?" is a nice article. Automated onboarding

