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October 29, 2013

Innovative online tools for startup management

If you have ever helped someone realize their dreams – not just talk about their ideas, but actually implement them – then you know how remarkable the feeling is. The problem is so many people dive into projects that they are not passionate about, and don't know where to begin. The best way for a startup business to grow and be successful is for the idea to have passion behind it. It’s inevitable that when we talk about something we love, others will become interested and will want to give us a helping hand. Our passion and motivation behind our venture may even stimulate other people’s creative ventures which could in turn help them implement their own ideas.
Fortunately, there are innovative online tools for startup management that can assist a person with bringing their ideas to fruition. Forbes magazine list the Top 10 benefits of crowdfunding; therefore proving that a crowdfunding (and crowdsourcing) platform is where you will be the most successful. Where and how to begin is at UFOstart AG. With the help of UFOstart AG, those with creative minds who are looking to manage a successful startup can have their venture fully funded as a startup. Crowdfunding is almost like an auction: Present your idea to numerous investors at once. The added bonus, you could gain numerous investors instead of just one.
Fund and filter top deals as an investor. Become a part of something bigger and help other startups get off the ground by investing in them the same way you’ve been invested in. Turn your insight into equity and get involved as an expert. Similar to stock broker, you can become an expert in how a startup will succeed based on the trends in the current market.

Get started now and check out  UFOstart AG for assistance with crowdfunding, how to participate in crowdsourcing, and how to become an expert or investor in the world of startups. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter

October 16, 2013

UFOstart AG: An Effective Mentorship

You no longer have to search endlessly for a solution to get your venture funded; there are experienced professionals who are ready to commit to partnership. Of course the need for business growth is an element of success. As an enterprise, we need to connect with the core of our ideas; and the key is through mentorship. For instance, a cook who desires to be a chef would most likely be mentored by one; or even someone who decides to own their own business mentored by a experienced entrepreneur - regardless if they are directly or indirectly mentored.
Start-ups should be completely organized especially when they are searching for ways to fund a venture. A mentor in the similar business can assist a business owner to improve their knowledge and experience, (if not as an acting network for their project); and make the project worth financing. If a start-up is ill-prepared an investor, supporter or even a loyal customer may walk-on by your great idea.
The next battle will be reaching a target audience. A stellar idea can go unnoticed if it is not
conveyed properly. A start-ups best bet is to find a loyal community and/or collaborate with supporters or global experts that can help your business grow. A crowdfunding and crowdsourcing platform is just the arena for the innovator to grow effectively.
A mentor can guide you to get started. A business professional or an individual with an idea can connect immediately with UFOstart AG, to jump-start their start-up. A social platform will get you the social proof you need as an investor and help you find the industry experts you want to work with. Effective mentorship can be found at UFOstart AG.  

Join our first "Global Crowd Network" for Lean Startup funding! Connect with facebook on www.ufostart.com and calculate your Startup Value. Interested in how you can leverage the power of the crowd for your startup? Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!
